Web 3.0 is the evolving and next big major phase of internet. As it’s an evolution, details of it are vague and diverse.
Remember, Web 1.0 was more of read-only websites where authorities and business houses publishes content and people consume the content. Web 2.0 revolutionized the internet. New age companies such as facebook, twitter, etc came out of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is social web, mobile first and cloud powered.
Needs and the cutting edge technologies shape up the Web 3.0. The way it’s going today, I would imagine the follow attributes for Web 3.0.
- Ubiquitous – Rise in connectivity technologies (5G) and IOT would lead to accessing information from different devices in different form factors.
- Decentralized – Data that powers internet is going to be democratized and decentralized.
- Intelligent – Artificial intelligence is going to be center of content in Web 3.0. Services such as Amazon recommendations are going to there in every web app.
- Semantic – Mark-up and the content that makes up pages are going to be semantic and interpret-able by machines.
- Immersive HCI – Human Computer Interaction is going to be immersive. New visualizations and interactive devices provide users immersive experiences.