Quick sort implementation on singly linked list in Java


Implement quick sort on singly linked list.


  • Worst case time complexity of quick sort is O(n^2) but it’s rare.
  • Quick sort follows divide and conquer approach.
  • Quick sort is preferred over merge sort as quick sort is an
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Add 2 numbers expressed as singly linked lists


Add 2 numbers which are expressed as singly linked lists. Results also should be in a linked list.


  • Use recursion to traverse all the way to end and compute sum while returning backwards towards the start.
  • Deal with
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Merge 2 sorted singly linked lists


Merge 2 singly linked lists which are sorted. The resultant one shall also be in sorted order.


  • As both the input lists are sorted, traverse through the lists, compare the heads of both the lists and form a
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Detecting loop in singly linked list


Identifying if there is any loop in singly linked list. Loop meaning any node connecting to one of the previous nodes.


  • Best solution involves 2 traversal pointers – slow pointer which hops 1 node at a times and
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Reverse a singly linked list


Reverse a singly linked list in linear time complexity.


  • Traverse through the list once and for each node assign the next pointer to the previous node.
  • Time complexity O(n).
  • Java based implementation along with unit test below
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Effective way of finding middle element in a singly linked list


Find the middle element in a singly linked list. Obvious solution is traverse through the list once to find the length of list and then find out the middle element. This takes > O(n). Objective here is to Implement … read the rest.

Swap two nodes in a singly linked list


Swap any two nodes in a singly linked list. It’s not swapping the content of the nodes but the nodes itself.


  • First find out the previous nodes of nodes to be swapped and then establish the links.
  • java
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Linked list

  • Linear data structure representing ordered sequence of elements.
  • Elements in it are not stored in contiguous location as arrays, rather linked through the pointers.
  • Advantage over array
    • Dynamic size. Not fixed one as array.
    • Ease of insertion or deletion which
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