Java EE has been renamed as Jakarta EE and now with Eclipse foundations.
JEE tutorials –
Jakarta –… read the rest.
Java EE has been renamed as Jakarta EE and now with Eclipse foundations.
JEE tutorials –
Jakarta –… read the rest.
A recent survey report from reveals the trends around Java Ecosystem. Notable highlights shown below.
Do note that 60% of developers moved on to the latest java LTS (Long Term Support) release – java … read the rest.
In addition to the GoF object oriented design patterns, a java developer should know this core JEE design patterns. These are the fundamental building blocks of typical enterprise Java stack. They’ve been there right from the last 2 decades. If … read the rest.
Interesting to see IntelliJ IDEA growing in the market. Spring framework still in the top as application stack. MongoDb and Cassandra are popular NoSql databases. Microservices architecture is gaining adoption too.
Do check the report – Link
Java is still the preferred choice of programming language for enterprises (Reference – TIBOE Index). Java’s matured open eco-system and the robust virtual machine (JVM) make the enterprises go for it withstanding the criticisms of being verbose and entailing longer … read the rest.
Summary of my brush-up on popular JVM implementation – HotSpot from Oracle.
HotSpot comes in 2 flavours. Both the flavours use the same code but uses different compilers altering the optimization schemes such as method inlining and heap policies. Flavour … read the rest.
List is an ordered sequence of objects. Elements can be inserted or accessed at a specific index. Popular implementations – ArrayList, LinkedList,
Set is a collection which doesn’t allow duplicates. Popular implementations – HashSet, LinkedHashSet, etc.
Map … read the rest.
Java still going strong hitting top spot in programming language popularity index even after 20 years of its existence.