Swap any two nodes in a singly linked list. It’s not swapping the content of the nodes but the nodes itself.
- First find out the previous nodes of nodes to be swapped and then establish the links.
- java based.
- Time complexity – Worst case O(n-1). Linear time. This is for finding out the previous nodes by traversing thorough the list.
package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; /** * Swap nodes in singly linked list. * Time complexity - Worst case O(n). */ public class SwapNodesLinkedList { /** * Represents nodes in the linked list. */ static class Node{ private int value; private Node next; public Node(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } Node getNext() { return next; } public void setNext(Node next) { = next; } } private Node start; public void setStart(Node start) { this.start = start; } public void swapNodes(int positionOfNode1, int positionOfNode2){ // Note - Edge conditions such as the first and last elements not taken care of. Node previousOfNode1 = null; Node previousOfNode2 = null; /* 1. Find the previous node of nodes to be swapped. */ Node currentNode = start; int position = 1; while(null != currentNode && null != currentNode.getNext()){ // -1 used to find the previous node if(position == positionOfNode1 - 1){ previousOfNode1 = currentNode; }else if(position == positionOfNode2 - 1){ previousOfNode2 = currentNode; } if(null != previousOfNode1 && null != previousOfNode2){ break; } currentNode = currentNode.getNext(); position++; } /* 2.Do swapping */ // Preparing temp variable - Actual nodes to be swapped. Node node1 = previousOfNode1.getNext(); Node node2 = previousOfNode2.getNext(); // Preparing temp variable - Node 1 & Node 2 links in the list. Node node1Next = node1.getNext(); Node node2Next = node2.getNext(); // Initiate swaps - Making assignments. previousOfNode1.setNext(node2); previousOfNode2.setNext(node1); // Closing swap - Establishing links with the rest of the link. node2.setNext(node1Next); node1.setNext(node2Next); } /** * Print the content of list. */ public void printList(){ Node currentNode = start; StringBuilder toPrint = new StringBuilder(); while(null != currentNode){ toPrint.append(currentNode.getValue() + ","); currentNode =; } System.out.println(toPrint); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Create linked list SwapNodesLinkedList linkedList = new SwapNodesLinkedList(); Node node1 = new Node(1); Node node2 = new Node(2); Node node3 = new Node(3); Node node4 = new Node(4); Node node5 = new Node(5); Node node6 = new Node(6); Node node7 = new Node(7); Node node8 = new Node(8); Node node9 = new Node(9); Node node10 = new Node(10); node1.setNext(node2); node2.setNext(node3); node3.setNext(node4); node4.setNext(node5); node5.setNext(node6); node6.setNext(node7); node7.setNext(node8); node8.setNext(node9); node9.setNext(node10); linkedList.setStart(node1); // Print list before swap. linkedList.printList(); // Swap nodes with values - 3 & 6. linkedList.swapNodes(3,6); // Print after swap. linkedList.printList(); } } java
Code wont work for cases
– where one of the position is 1
– and for adjacent nodes like (2,3) (4,5)