Identifying if there is any loop in singly linked list. Loop meaning any node connecting to one of the previous nodes.
- Best solution involves 2 traversal pointers – slow pointer which hops 1 node at a times and fast pointer which hops 2 nodes at a time. If they meet at any point, then there is a loop.
- This solutions works for finding if the singly linked list is circular or not. Circular, meaning, last node connecting to the first node in the list.
- Time complexity – O(n)
- Java based implementation along with its junit goes below.
package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; /** * Detect loop in singly linked list. */ public class DetectingLoopLinkedList { /** * Represents nodes in the linked list. */ public static class Node{ private int value; private Node next; @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Node node = (Node) o; return value == node.value &&,; } @Override public int hashCode() { return, next); } public Node(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } Node getNext() { return next; } public void setNext(Node next) { = next; } } private Node start; public void setStart(Node start) { this.start = start; } public boolean detectLoop(Node start){ /* Declare slow and fast pointers */ // Fast pointer jumps 2 nodes at a time. Node slowPtr = start, fastPtr = start; /* Traverse till end node is found */ while(null != slowPtr || null != fastPtr){ slowPtr = slowPtr.getNext(); // Fast pointer hops 2 nodes at a time. if(null != fastPtr.getNext()) { fastPtr = fastPtr.getNext().getNext(); }else { // Reached end of linked list. break; } /* If both the pointers point to the same node any time, then there is a loop */ if(slowPtr == fastPtr){ // Loop found. return true; } } return false; } }
package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; /** * Testing the algorithm of detecting loop in linked list. */ public class DetectingLoopLinkedListTest { @Test public void testDetectLoop_loop_scenario() throws Exception { DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node1 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(1); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node2 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(2); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node3 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(3); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node4 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(4); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node5 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(5); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node6 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(6); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node7 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(7); node1.setNext(node2); node2.setNext(node3); node3.setNext(node4); node4.setNext(node5); node5.setNext(node6); node6.setNext(node7); node7.setNext(node3); // Loop is present. assertEquals(true, new DetectingLoopLinkedList().detectLoop(node1)); } @Test public void testDetectLoop_no_loop_scenario() throws Exception { DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node1 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(1); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node2 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(2); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node3 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(3); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node4 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(4); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node5 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(5); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node6 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(6); DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node node7 = new DetectingLoopLinkedList.Node(7); node1.setNext(node2); node2.setNext(node3); node3.setNext(node4); node4.setNext(node5); node5.setNext(node6); node6.setNext(node7); // Loop is present. assertEquals(false, new DetectingLoopLinkedList().detectLoop(node1)); } }