Add 2 numbers which are expressed as singly linked lists. Results also should be in a linked list.
- Use recursion to traverse all the way to end and compute sum while returning backwards towards the start.
- Deal with the carry while adding 2 digits.
- Time complexity O(n) where n being the length of one of the lists.
- Assumption – Both the inputs have same number of digits. If not, a preparatory step needs to be included to make sure both the inputs have same number of digits by prepending zeros on the input list which is shorter.
- java based implementation
Abstract singly linked list mechanics.
package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; /** * Abstract implementation of singly linked list */ public class AbstractSinglyLinkedList { private Node start; public void setStart(Node start) { this.start = start; } /** * Creates string representing the sequence of the content of the list delimite by coma. */ public String createStringRepresentation(Node start){ Node currentNode = start; StringBuilder toPrint = new StringBuilder(); while(null != currentNode){ toPrint.append(currentNode.getValue() + ","); currentNode =; } return toPrint.toString(); } /** * Represents nodes in the linked list. */ protected static class Node{ private int value; private Node next; public Node(int value) { this.value = value; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Node node = (Node) o; return value == node.value &&,; } @Override public int hashCode() { return, next); } public int getValue() { return value; } Node getNext() { return next; } public void setNext(Node next) { = next; } } }
Solution implementation
package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; /** * Find the sum of 2 numbers represented in 2 linked lists. * <p> * Inputs and output to be expressed in singly linked list. * Assume that both the inputs have same number of digits. * </p> */ public class AdditionLinkedList extends AbstractSinglyLinkedList{ /* Traversal head of the result */ private Node resultTraversalHead; /** * Finds the sum recursively, create the node representing sum of the nodes and add it to result. * @param input1 * @param input2 * @return Carry if the sum of digits represented by nodes > 9. */ private int findSumRecursively(Node input1, Node input2){ int carry = 0; /* Recurse till the end of both the inputs */ if(null != input1.getNext() && null != input2.getNext()) { carry = findSumRecursively(input1.getNext(), input2.getNext()); } /* Find out sum while coming back from recursion. */ int sum = input1.getValue() + input2.getValue(); /* Deal with the carry */ sum += carry; int value = sum; if(sum > 9){ value = sum % 10; } /* Form result */ Node currentNode = new Node(value); if(null != resultTraversalHead) { currentNode.setNext(resultTraversalHead); } resultTraversalHead = currentNode; // Return carry. if(sum > 9) { return 1; }else{ return 0; } } /** * Find the sum of numbers expressed in singly linked list. Both the inputs to have same number of digits. * @param input1Start * @param input2Start * @return Start node of the result. */ public Node findSum(Node input1Start, Node input2Start){ int carry = findSumRecursively(input1Start, input2Start); if(carry > 0){ Node currentNode = new Node(carry); currentNode.setNext(resultTraversalHead); resultTraversalHead = currentNode; } return resultTraversalHead; } }
Unit test
package com.computepatterns.problemsolving.linkedlist; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; /** * Testing addition of numbers expressed in singly linked list. */ public class AdditionLinkedListTest { @Test public void testFindSum_noCarry_sameNoOfDigits() throws Exception { AdditionLinkedList.Node input1Node1 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(5); AdditionLinkedList.Node input1Node2 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(6); AdditionLinkedList.Node input1Node3 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(7); input1Node1.setNext(input1Node2); input1Node2.setNext(input1Node3); AdditionLinkedList.Node input2Node1 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(3); AdditionLinkedList.Node input2Node2 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(2); AdditionLinkedList.Node input2Node3 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(1); input2Node1.setNext(input2Node2); input2Node2.setNext(input2Node3); AdditionLinkedList addition = new AdditionLinkedList(); String result = addition.createStringRepresentation(addition.findSum(input1Node1, input2Node1)); assertEquals("8,8,8,", result); } @Test public void testFindSum_withCarry() throws Exception { AdditionLinkedList.Node input1Node1 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(5); AdditionLinkedList.Node input1Node2 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(6); input1Node1.setNext(input1Node2); AdditionLinkedList.Node input2Node1 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(7); AdditionLinkedList.Node input2Node2 = new AdditionLinkedList.Node(5); input2Node1.setNext(input2Node2); AdditionLinkedList addition = new AdditionLinkedList(); String result = addition.createStringRepresentation(addition.findSum(input1Node1, input2Node1)); assertEquals("1,3,1,", result); } }
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