Author: admin
Achieving scale and performance
Scale and performance is every engineer’s problem. Scale is not same as performance though related.
- Performance – Task runs on a thread and assigned to a CPU core. How fast it run depends on the clock speed and the code.
Continuous delivery (CD) and AEM
Technology trends are driven by the business needs. As competition soaring high in the market and software eating the business, the time to convert ideas into usable software is demanded to be very short, in fact in minutes for certain … read the rest.
2-stack 3-layer approach to CMS
Martin flower’s 2-stack 3-layer approach to CMS. It’s strikingly similar to AEM deployment model with missing preview layer. This could be a viable model with AEM OOTB too.
… read the rest.We applied the editing-publishing separation pattern in building a two-stack
AEM and shared file systems (example – EFS) in cloud
Bumped on the shared file system service provided by AWS which they call as Elastic File System (EFS). EFS is more like a file system in a network mounted on multiple compute (EC2) instances. All the compute instances can read … read the rest.
Maven versioning scheme
… read the rest.Good material on maven versioning scheme – Link
<major version>.<minor version>.<incremental version>-<qualifier>
Cheat sheet of aem index definition
Cheatsheet of aem index definition.
Continuous delivery (CD) reference architecture
Came across this deck from slideshare. A good find, hence sharing it.
AWS CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline
Continuous delivery and deployment in AWS… read the rest.
Technology choices for Microservices
Microservices are tiny and mostly, large in number for a typical enterprise application. Microservices are RESTful. That means, technologies facilitate creating REST services with minimal efforts minus all overheads.
- Spring boot – Fat jar (embedded web container), convention over configuration
Potential DevOps responsibilities
Courtesy:… read the rest.
Microservices at Amazon
Interesting slide deck on microservices from Amazon expert.… read the rest.
Software design principles
- KISS – Keep it simple and stupid.
- What You Produce, Others Will Consume
- Be Open to the Future
- Plan Ahead for Reuse
- Clean code minimize the risk of bugs being hidden
- Loose coupling
- High cohesion
- Design should allow local change.
Designing system topology (Physical Architecture)
Steps in coming up physical architecture.
- Identify key subsystems of the solution.
- Segregate the subsystems physically depending on the resource requirements.
- Using baseline size the hardware per node.
- Decide on the # of nodes (Factor in scale & HA).
- Decide
AEM deployment topology at CISCO
Architecture stuff!!!… read the rest.
Leadership styles
- Affiliative – Establishing emotional bonds and get work done.
- Authoritative – Direct the people towards a vision and guide them.
- Coercive – Force people to comply.
- Democratic – Seeking acceptance through participation.
- Lateral – Work along the people allowing them