- Setup a team chat tool for informal chatters. Choose one that facilitates collaboration.
- Setup Configuration Management (CM). GIT is a good option.
- Setup Continuous Integration Servers. Jenkins is a good option here.
- Setup DEV, TEST, STAGE servers.
- Setup Continuous Deployment tools (if applicable)
- Setup Knowledge Management tool. Wiki is a good choice here.
- Setup quality control tool such as SonarQube.
- Setup ticketing system.
- Identify and document GIT branching strategy.
- Document release management process.
- Identify and document code review process.
- Agree upon sprint ceremonies.
- Put up definition of DONE.
- Put up definition of READY.
- Document ticketing workflow.
- Agree upon and document handover process of HTML and other dependencies from external teams.
- Put up template for runbook [Operations manual]. It includes the installation details.
Developer activities
- Prototype and document the toolset and process required for local developer environment.
- Decide on the IDE code formatter.
- Decide on the IDE code violation checks.
- Document coding guidelines.
- Set up project code repositories.
- Run POCs on need basis.
QE activities
- Prepare quality plan.
- Determine the devices and browsers support matrix. These will be used for testing.
- Run POCs on need basis.
- Groom stories for Sprint 1.
- Create a DL (Distribution List – Mailing group).
- On-board the team giving them project context and the road ahead.
- Assign high-level responsibilities to team members. Document responsibilities matrix.
- Prepare People (Dev + QE) onboarding plan.